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The Number One Mistake Brands Make with Their Content Marketing Strategy (and How to Fix It)

Content Development
October 23, 2017 | Nikki Bisel

Illustration split into sections representing logic and creativity, featuring a brain, scientific and musical symbols, mathematical equations, and artistic elements in a playful, doodle style inspired by recent poll results.

It’s difficult to have a conversation about marketing without the word “content” popping up.
Brands have been telling their stories for decades as a means to relay value to their customers, and although this narrative concept didn’t develop into a pinnacle of marketing until the early 90’s, content marketing has evolved into more than just the hottest buzzword in the industry; it’s become a brand necessity.
Unfortunately for businesses everywhere, creating content for content’s sake isn’t a viable strategy. Content marketing is only valuable when it is designed with a ubiquitous approach. Is your brand tapping into its full potential?
Here is everything you need to know about getting the most out of your brand’s content marketing strategy.

What is “Content?”

Essentially, content is a method of communication that engages a community of users (or customers) by means of creating and sharing ideas.
An extraordinary feature of content is that the manners in which ideas can be relayed are almost limitless; it encompasses a vast expanse of platforms to get messages across. For instance, content can transpire in the form of written materials (blogs, website copy, white papers, case studies, etc.), graphics (infographics, memes and GIFs), videos (Q&A’s, interviews, product showcases, etc.) and more.
Content is everywhere and in everything: in your social media feeds, on a television broadcasts, etched on billboards on your way to work, and it’s even embedded in the morning newspaper you may or may not read anymore. Unfortunately, just because content is omnipresent doesn’t mean it is always executed correctly, especially when it comes to businesses.

The Major Mistake Brands Make with Content

If you scroll through your favorite social media feed right now, chances are you’ll be greeted with a barrage of content revolving around various themes and topics. But in the race to go viral or to make an immediate impact on their audience, many companies who leverage social media will make this one critical error...
Oftentimes, brands will post content about what they do and why they’re good at what they do. This is a mistake, because if a brand is mostly speaking to their current customers – with the opportunity for new customers to occasionally trickle in – the majority of these customers are already aware of what the brand does and how good they are at doing it. Therefore, the brand’s content efforts are not being utilized effectively.

Cultivating a Solution to Your Brand’s Content Mistake

A better content strategy utilizes a dual-thought approach that not only places your brand’s content in front of the right people but also provides meaningful value to them.

Left Brain Solution

A successful brand will be able to understand exactly who their audience is; it knows how to consider their customers’ questions and objections. Being able to engage customers in a way that helps anticipate their needs is key to sharing content that will be truly useful to them.

Right Brain Solution

Once a brand fully understands its audience, it must be able to relay its solution to customers’ questions and objections in a subtle, yet effective way. The solution should avoid a hard sell at all costs. With this tactic, many customers will know when a company is simply trying to monetize them; the added pressure will likely drive customers away from your brand instead of toward it.

It’s important to nurture your audience in a way that is emotive and informative. Guide them through their questions and objections instead of slapping them in the face with information and a bottom line. This way, your brand’s customers will know you care.

Publishing Content That Converts

For many brands today, their content strategies are rote; they get stuck in a vicious cycle of publishing material that may be relevant to their industry, but they neglect to consider the actual needs of their customers.
When left-brain processes are combined with right-brain creativity, your brand will be able cultivate a truly unique content strategy for those who matter most to your growth. Not only will this process help you get your content in front of the people who are more likely to respond to your message by investing in your brand, you will also be empowered to publish content that compels your audience to consume it to the end and crave what comes next.

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