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What You Need to Know About the Google Algorithm Update

August 1, 2016 | Nikki Bisel

Colorful Google logo displayed on the exterior wall of a building under a clear blue sky, featuring an advertisement for "Best Business Books.

Google Algorithm UpdateIf you want your website to be on the first page of your customer's search, you should be familiar with Google’s ranking rules. This can be challenging because Google changes its search algorithm around 500-600 times each year, according to Moz. While some changes are minor and unnoticeable, others can make or break a website’s rankings. We took a look at the most recent Google algorithm update to see what you need to know to stay on top.

How to Keep Website Rankings Up With the Latest Google Algorithm Update

  1. Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

With each update, Google increasingly awards those that have mobile-friendly websites. In May, Google rolled out yet another boost to benefit those with mobile optimization. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly to please the Google gods. Here is a deeper look at why mobile optimization is so important.

  1. Publish Only Quality Content

Google is getting stricter on content, so here are a few key content tips to keep your ranking up:

  • Make sure your site has more content than ads. Limit the number of ad thumbnails you have on a page. According to Search Engine Journal, “A site that featured two thirds ads, and one third content, ended up seeing a significant drop in search results.”
  • Keep content relevant and robust. Sites with thin content are at risk of dropping in rank. Thin content is simple, short, not relevant, and not helpful to those reading.
  • Your content must be unique. This means no rewrites, plagiarism, or duplicate content.
  1. HTTPS Sites Rank Higher

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. Sites that use HTTPS get ranked higher because they are more secure than those that use HTTP. The only downside is that it may become more difficult for you to interpret your site data. You may not get as clear a picture of where your viewers are coming from, how long they are staying, and what they are doing on your site. You have to weigh what is more important to you - security or data? This site explains the difference between HTTPS and HTTP in more depth.

  1. Don’t Get Spammy Backlinks

Google is cracking down even more on spammy backlinks. If you ask another website to link to you, make sure that site has quality content and frequent traffic. These are the most time consuming and difficult backlinks to get but are also the most rewarding for ranking. Never request backlinks from a website with a domain authority under 18.
Follow a few of these tips to improve your SEO and get your site ranked higher by Google. It is impossible to predict what Google will do next, but a good rule-of-thumb is to make your online presence as quality and genuine as possible.  
If you need more help understanding the basics of search-engine optimization or online digital marketing in general, contact us at Seafoam Media. We have the tools to leverage the Google algorithm update and help you get the most out of your online presence.

Colorful Google logo displayed on the exterior wall of a building under a clear blue sky, featuring an advertisement for "Best Business Books.
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