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LinkedIn Loopholes and How to Get the Most Out of Your Page

LinkedIn LoopholesHave you hit some road bumps while trying to amp up your LinkedIn game? Maybe you are wondering if you are missing out on some of the best functions the channel has to offer. LinkedIn can be one of the more challenging social networks to navigate. Every social media channel has a unique advantage. Facebook has the social reach and power to get your brand in the thoughts of many, Twitter can reach new people through hashtags and searching, and LinkedIn has a niche demographic with almost exclusively professionals and businesses. Unfortunately, with the market niche, come some restrictions, but that just means you need to find out the secret LinkedIn loopholes and best practices.
Hearing client’s run into LinkedIn obstacles has led us to dive deep into the channel and discover how we can best jump certain hurdles and help client’s use it to its full potential. In this blog, we are going to share our findings and LinkedIn’s best-kept secrets that can help your brand.

 LinkedIn Loopholes and Best Practices

  1. How to Get Passed The Commercial Search Limit

One of the limitations of a business page is the new commercial search limit. It’s meant to cut down on “commercial usage” of the profile search feature and push power users to premium accounts and keep businesses from spamming users. If you want to increase your search limit, there is a tool to help. This interface works efficiently and allows you to search unlimited and not just in your related network.

  1. Connect With Groups as a Page

Groups are exclusively reserved for individuals; meaning “Company” pages cannot access them. Keeping companies out of groups is done to protect the interests and needs of individual users.
As the Group search box now only searches for content within group posts, you must use the Advanced Search to search for potential prospects. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Advanced Search.
  2. Add your Keywords (such as Marketing Companies)
  3. Check the group you wish to search in.
  4. When you find a good potential prospect in the results, open their profile in a new tab and use the Connect button on their profile page to send them a personalized connection request.

3. Use the Page for Reputation Management
Fill out your profile as completely and accurately as possible, post new content regularly, and make sure new users will get a positive first impression of your brand. This is reputation management and what you should be doing across all your social media profiles. Remember to keep LinkedIn more conservative and about business. This is the place to share job openings, company updates, industry articles, and events.
4. Involve Employees
Finally, consider getting your employees involved in the promotion of your brand on LinkedIn. Have them add the company as their current place of business. This will immediately increase the visibility of your page. Ask your employees to share pieces of your content from your website or just reshare your LinkedIn posts to their page.
Not all strategies work for every business, but it won't hurt most businesses to have an established LinkedIn page. If you do have a page, it’s best to stick with it and keep it updated. Don’t let your page stand empty and alone.
If you are new to the LinkedIn game or wondering if a page is right for you, check out this blog we wrote about the benefits of a LinkedIn company page or visit our St. Louis social media management page. We say give LinkedIn a shot and see what you think and remember to follow us on our page.

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