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Top 10 Things to Focus on When You’re Building a New Website

What-to-Focus-on-When-You’re-Building-a-New-WebsiteYou have a great product which provides a wonderful service but for some reason you're having trouble finding success on the internet. Whether you're starting a new page or looking for tips to improve your old site, here's a guide to help you build a great website.

1. The layout should be clean and organized

Try to put a lot of effort into designing the layout. You don't want your company's website to just be a collection of text and minimal pictures with no direction. Instead, you want it to be user friendly with specific tabs and pages that guide the reader to their next destination. The purpose of your website is to not only sell your product but to engage your reader so keep this in mind while you are designing your layout.

2. Content needs to be explanatory but not boring

Try to engage your readers from the first moment they set eyes on your website with great copy and original content. It takes a great deal of effort but the payoff is well worth the effort when you see the web traffic coming in.

3. Each page and post should be easy to share online

Make sure you give your readers/customers a way to share your content. Whether it's a button at the bottom of the page or a link at the end of a paragraph, creating an easy way to spread your message is a good way to give your company more exposure.

4. Your site needs to be compatible with mobile devices

Since most people will probably view your website on their cellphone, it's a good ideal to make your site mobile compatible. You have to target your audience where they are and most of them are browsing on their phones this very minute.

5. Make sure your landing pages are pulling people in

The landing page is the first thing people see when they log into your site. From pictures and fonts, to color and copy, this is basically where it all has to come together. Spend the most time on this because as the saying goes "You never get a second change to make a first impression."
Follow these steps and you are well on your way to building a great website for your business.



What to Focus on After Your Website Launches

Your website is like a person... You may look great after having trained for a half marathon and lost 40 pounds but if you totally forget about a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, you'll be right back where you started.

What does that mean for your website?

You may have a gorgeous new site showing off your business, but if you neglect it, it won't take long for you to fall behind.  You'll stop getting results pretty quickly if you forget about your web presence.

So what should you be thinking about and focusing on after your new site launches?

6. Search Engine Optimization & Conversion

Your site should be monitored on a regular basis for how it's performing in searches, what percentage of users are being converted, what keywords you should be targeting, and how your current strategy is playing out.

7. Content Creation

You should be constantly updating your website with new content (whether this be on a blog or on other pages of the site).

In addition, your content should always be up to date.

8. Social Media

If social media isn't on your radar, you need to rethink your digital strategy.  Every business should be utilizing social networks in their own unique way to help with brand awareness, customer loyalty, and outreach.

9. Technology Updates

Everyone knows technology changes frequently, but sometimes people forget that websites (and applications, social media, etc.) are all built using different types of technology.

As such, you need to constantly be aware of programming language updates, better frameworks and software, faster ways to implement functionality (like AJAX), and more secure approaches to development.

10. Brand Unity

It's easy to let your brand get away from you as the weeks, months, and years go by.  In the months and years after your site goes live, though, you need to be sure your company's message, colors, persona, and purpose are always in tact across the board and that onlookers can always tell where you are and what you're trying to tell them.

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