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The Life and Times of A Remote Worker

January 6, 2014 | Nikki Bisel

Working Hard
Post written by: Lily Samimi

If you’re reading this you are probably thinking it must be pretty easy to be a remote worker. You don’t have to get dressed and commute to work. You don’t have to be confined by the office space you are given to meet your deliverables. You don’t even have to attend yet another face-to-face meeting with your coworkers where all you discuss is when you are going to meet next to actually do the work that needs to be done.
It’s true. As a remote worker you can do your work wherever your creative juices and productivity flow. You don’t have to go through the stress of commuting back and forth to your job. And, most importantly, you don’t have to waste your time with useless meetings. Remote work is not only good for your personal well being but it also keeps your clients happy and results in greater reward for the company. As a remote worker, you learn to be direct, communicative and much more productive in the work you do. What more could you want?
To be a successful remote worker there are a few caveats you should keep in mind:

Set yourself a routine to reach maximum productivity

Since you are not confined within the time frame and office space of a normal 9 to 5 job, it’s up to you to make sure you are staying motivated. Set up routine virtual meetings with your employees to be make sure you are all on the same page. Do you work better in the morning or in the afternoon? Work whenever you deliver the most. As a remote worker, it’s really easy to forget to eat right and exercise especially when the kitchen and/or couch can sometimes be 5 feet away from you. Make sure you are staying physically healthy to stay mentally healthy.

Avoid reading between the lines

It’s really easy to misinterpret information through email and chat. Don’t hesitate to repeat, ask questions, check-in and follow-up whenever and wherever possible to ensure the job is being done right. Make sure your company sets up a best practices policy for communication among employees. You should have several mediums to communicate with your coworkers/employees in case they turn out to be unreachable.

Adapt, adapt, adapt

Be ready to work anywhere – airports, coffee shops, transit. Be mentally prepared to work in noisy, populated environments and other times to work in quiet, secluded environments. Be flexible. Technology is changing fast, so always be ready to learn new applications or software that can help facilitate your work better.

Myths About Remote Work

The great thing about working at Seafoam Media is that we are a digital marketing company built around a culture that promotes the idea that how you live your life is greatly reflected in the quality of your work. Through remote work and flexible schedules, our team members live a fun and fulfilling life while doing awesome projects at work.

Now, you may wonder - how do we do remote work and maintain company growth? It's actually rather easy. We do what we love and we love what we do.

Here are some common myths about remote work and our thoughts on it:

1. Working remotely to achieve flexibility reduces productivity.

I'll be honest when I first started working at Seafoam Media I thought, how could I ever manage to get anything done if I wasn't physically at the office? In fact, what I didn't realize at the time was that working remotely molds you into a super agile worker bee. Remote work provides us the environment to think creatively, work on several different projects at the same time and be super responsive to our clients.

2. In order to collaborate with your team, share information and communicate properly you must be in the same location.

Having clear and concise communication between our team members is what keeps us functioning as a company. Through video conferencing on Skype, project management on Teambox and constant communication through email and chat I can get in touch with any one of my team members within 15 minutes no matter where they live, be it Canada or Pakistan. We use all of these modes of communication to collaborate as a team and find the best solutions for our clients - no matter the time zone or the location.

3. When working remotely, you're missing out on the office culture and interaction with your colleagues.

We may not see each other as often as we would like but we're a family at Seafoam. We know about each other's personal lives, families, what makes each person laugh and what we like to do in our free time. We take the time to get to know one another over video conference, chat and email. Additionally, by having a remote office culture we're able to cut back on the overhead costs for renting out an office facility. Which in turn saves our customers money as we can charge them more honest prices.

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