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I want the whole picture and nothing but the picture... – by Matt Lodge

October 10, 2018 | Nikki Bisel

A smiling man with a beard wearing a blue and green checked shirt, standing in an office with a green plant wall and the "digital marketing" logo "seaform" in the background.

Matt LodgeDigital marketing can be complicated.

At any given time, there are a near infinite number of factors that determine how a customer engages with your brand’s products/services, message, and goals via an avenue of content, SEO, social media, and your website. To make matters even more complicated, digital marketing is in a state of continuous evolution, meaning that the success your brand achieves with its marketing strategy today may not work out as well tomorrow.

Keeping track of how these pieces work together for any brand is nearly impossible without a dedicated teammate to gauge each component of a brand’s digital marketing strategy and make the necessary changes for maximum effectiveness.

To get an idea of what it takes to accomplish such an ambitious task, we hung out with Seafoam’s Digital Marketing Analyst, Matt Lodge, the man in charge of monitoring, measuring, and adjusting our clients’ marketing strategies to ensure they’re poised for future success. Here’s what he had to say...

Q&A with Matt Lodge

What is your role at Seafoam Media?

I am the Digital Marketing Analyst at Seafoam Media. It’s my job to look into all the data surrounding a client’s web traffic and to try to optimize their websites for search engine results, ad clicks and conversion. I basically optimize every step of the marketing funnel.

Why is your role important to Seafoam’s structure, as well as the marketing industry as a whole?

Digital marketing is, in a lot of ways, replacing traditional marketing as means for businesses to grow their brands — to grow their customer bases. The essence of that is trying to find ways to optimize their online presence so that they’re getting the maximum exposure and also the right kind of exposure — putting your product in front of the right people so that the right people purchase from or interact with your brand. I think that using data-driven techniques or methods helps Seafoam deliver on what we set out to do for our clients.

What do you do to personally ensure that Seafoam’s clients’ needs are being met?

I make sure our clients show up on the first page of Google, so when people are searching, they find our clients and not their competitors.

In what ways would you like your role to evolve while you work at Seafoam?

I think my role evolves as the internet evolves. It’s about constantly adapting to the different trends online — how people are searching, how people are engaging with brands online. Just staying on top of that evolution and making sure that Seafoam is on the cutting edge of digital marketing.

Are there any unique tips about your role as it pertains to Seafoam's marketing strategy that you'd like to share?

Looking at the whole picture instead of getting bogged down in one particular metric is important. You kind of have to take everything and put it in context so that you’re actually getting as close to the truth as you can in terms of where your website is and where your product is online. Don’t get caught up in one particular metric; look at all of them together.

Are there any lessons you learned so far that will make you better at your job as time goes on?

Brian knows everything. Ask Brian.


A smiling man with a beard wearing a blue and green checked shirt, standing in an office with a green plant wall and the "digital marketing" logo "seaform" in the background.
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