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What Social Media Algorithms Mean for Brands

social media algorithmsFacebook, Twitter, and Instagram---besides being completely addicting and procrastination's best friend, what do these all have in common? Algorithms. Last month, Twitter announced a new algorithm for its timeline, aimed at helping users see the tweets most relevant to them. This month, Instagram has announced that they too will be utilizing social media algorithms.
Algorithms are wonderful for helping us determine our credit scores, control traffic, or offering us music we like on certain ads. Not everyone loves them, especially brands using social media as a marketing tool, but we can't be too surprised that this is the direction Instagram is going.

Brands Have to Step Up Their Game

Facebook, of course, shifted away from reverse chronological news feeds about seven years ago and has been operating on a unique algorithm ever sense. The other two social networks were slow to the jump, which is probably why their loyal consumers and brands are so disappointed in the switch. These changes were inevitable, and there is nothing we can do but embrace them and move forward.
As social sites grow and users interact with more and more people, the reverse chronological feed can feel unmanageable. Nonetheless, don’t be surprised if brands find a way to make this work in their favor, and you end up actually liking the change.

Transformational Trends in Social Media

Unlike magazines, TV and newspapers, social media’s not a form of broadcast, it’s an engagement medium. So, the success of social media is dependent on how personalized, social and engaging it can be. Which means these changes are really smart for the success of the social network.
The benefit of social media is that it gives everyone a voice for free. But, the key to success is getting that voice heard. Which for some brands, means having a free voice but paying for the megaphone. The point of the algorithm is to ensure that each person is being heard and also connected with the most relevant content for them. So if brands are creating content that is truly engaging, relevant to their audience and well received, they may not have any problems with reaching their fans with the change.
With social media algorithms being the standard, now more than ever is time to hone in on a social media strategy, iron out the details and demonstrate a real understanding of your audience. Publish the content they want on a channel they use—to keep them coming back for more and remaining not only loyal followers but loyal customers as well.
At our St. Louis social media marketing agency, our jobs and passions are to create compelling content for your business. Content that is seen and enjoyed by your customers. Generating brand awareness and name recognition comes from promoting unique, quality content and engaging with your customers in a meaningful and personal way. Contact us today to get your content seen online.

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