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Seafoam Profile: Liz Oeltjen

Liz Oeltjen2015 is shaping up to be a great year here at Seafoam HQ! As business has continued to grow, so has our needs. One of our big recent accomplishments was expanding into a new office on historic Cherokee Street, right across from the Nebula co-working space. Now, we're also happy introduce our latest addition to the Seafoam team! Meet Liz, our copywriter and internet marketing strategist.
Liz comes from a background in marketing and was previously the marketing director at Lasco Foods, where she helped launch Nina's Cocktails, a new brand for the company. Here's a little more about her:
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
Believe it or not, this is a question that I have thought about a lot over time, and my answer has changed as I have gotten older. I think the power that I would like the most would be the power to freeze time or people, but that could have something to do with my two children getting bigger and bigger all too quickly. I also think it would be nice to keep my house clean for more than just five minutes, but I blame that on the kids too!
What are you most passionate about professionally? What most excites you about your work and the contribution you can make?
I like to take complicated ideas and whittle them down into something that is easy to understand and communicate. I find demographics fascinating, and I love to try to target my message to the group that will "hear" it in the best way. It is like a mystery to unravel, which may explain my love for shows like Criminal Minds; I am always trying figure things out. There are so many people trying to get their message out into the world digitally, but if you find the right demographic and the right message it can cut through the clutter.
What apps, software or tools can't you live without? Why?
I think the app that I can't live without would be Pandora. This helps me more than my "business-y" apps because it helps me while I work to channel my creativity in a productive manner. When I am working on something technical and I need to focus, classical music helps to get those synapses firing. When I need to get into the zone for a fun blog post or social media message you can't go wrong with some upbeat music!
What do you like to do in your free time?
I love to read, and I also enjoy gardening, cooking, baking, knitting, crochet, sewing, painting and finishing furniture. Pretty much, if you can find it on Pinterest, I want to be a part of it.
What do you like most about working remotely?
Working remotely gives me the flexibility to be a working mom, in equal parts. I can take a morning and go to my daughter's field trip and then, when the kids are in bed, hammer out some work. I think my dogs like having me around too, although I am severely cutting into their napping schedule. I think Seafoam gives a great balance to the idea of working remotely.
What does your workspace look like?
My workspace is eclectic to say the least. It is my little corner of the house that is just mine, and so I fill it with what I love. It is in a room full of windows so I can have a connection to outside, even while I work. I have lots of books and pictures of my kiddos. I have a couple of big, comfy chairs to curl up into and of course my computer and digital paraphernalia. I also have a random collection of art that I picked up on countless trips to New Orleans (my home away from home.) My favorite is the sign that says, "Be Nice Or Leave". I also have a collection of Day of the Dead inspired art, a nod to my Mexican heritage.

Liz Oeltjen home office Seafoam Media profile

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