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7 Social Media Trends that are Worth Your Time

October 13, 2015 | Nikki Bisel

Chasing social media trends are as challenging as catching a butterfly. Once and a while you may catch onto a trend before it expires, but you don't want to spend all your time chasing trends. Staying up to date on the latest marketing trends and tools are important, but honestly sometimes they are just trends and aren't actually quality marketing tactics.  The goal in social media marketing is to find out which ones are actually worth your time.
Of course, not every trend is relevant to every company. While some brand's may absolutly benefit from Instagram, another may need to jump on LinkedIn. It's vital to your brand to keep up to date with trends, but also to know which ones to try and tackle, and which ones to leave alone.
Not only does the below infographic mention the seven social media trends to pay attention to, but it gives the important do's and dont's.

Take a look at these 7 trends to discover how you should be approaching them.

7 Social Media Trends And What The Hell To Do With Them_Google+

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