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6 Simple Twitter Tips for the Beginner

July 24, 2015 | Nikki Bisel

Twitter tips to help anyone getting started. If you want to showcase yourself, grow an audience and make connections, then you most likely will benefit from using Twitter. The social network is near the top of the social media world, with over 500 million users. To make sure you get off on the right track with your Twitter marketing, and make yourself known among those half a billion users, here are a few of our favorite Twitter tips.

 6 Twitter Tips to Get You Started

1. Your Profile
Completing your profile is the very first step. You need to include a photo, your company name, and short description. Leaving any of these out is a huge mistake ­– as an incomplete profile looks unpolished and will be passed up and not followed. If you have a presence in other social media networks too, ensure that your profile is consistent across all of them.
 2. Influential followers
Find users in your niche; don’t just start following anybody at random. For instance, if your brand is tech, then find the Twitter users in that same niche – it’s pretty simple. You can search for users with hashtags, and also follow those who are following your competitors. You should look for people who are active and engaging, like those who are retweeting other brand content. Usually if you engage with them, they will return the favor.
3. Timing
You don’t want to just tweet every time you have a thought, or at any random time. Your timing needs to be strategic. The times that work for one person, might not work for another. Time algorithms can help you determine the best times for your brand. There are many tools out there, one being TakeOff. It offers a scheduling tool and suggests the best times for your to post your content.
4. Be professional
Don’t be obnoxious, rude, or too casual if you are representing a brand on Twitter. Conduct yourself professional and you will have a better chance of success. Don’t be a spammer or impolite in your tweets, you will gain more enemies and unfollowers than loyal customers. Think of twitter as a chance to make your customer service shine.
5. Twitter Chats
Participating in twitter, or tweet chats is one of the best ways to engage with other users. You can set up your own chat on a specific topic or find a chat to join and participate in. TweetReports provides a free chat schedule, and you can search for your niche within specific times to find your ideal chat. If you are hosting your own chat, spread the word on all your social networks and website. If you have a topic that people like participating in, host these chats once a month, and people will start to notice you.
6. Get REAL Followers
Fake followers are worthless.  Don’t just ask people to follow or like your content if you know they will not be a customer or are way outside your industry. You want active, engaging followers that are interested in your brand for a reason. This also comes with buying followers, is it really worth it? Probably not. Most people can tell when you have bought followers, sine you’ll have a high number, but zero engagement on your account.
When you are just starting out on twitter, try a few of these tips and determine which ones work for you. If you have been on Twitter for a while and don’t seem to be getting the following you want, try these tactics out one at a time. Twitter can be a difficult platform, since there are so many users, but if you are genuine and original, you will find your way through the chaos.
Do you have any Twitter tips for others that have found you success? Share with us on  Facebook or tweet @SeafoamMedia!

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